The name “Tucson” comes from the name given to Sentinel Peak (“A” Mountain) by the O’odham Tribe, Ts-iuk-shan, which basically meant that it had a base darker than its top.
That's the question we started with when we created The Play District.
We provide a curated, comprehensive list of Tucson's family-friendly gems so you can explore all Tucson has to offer.
If you're just visiting, or planning to, check out our Hotel & Travel Service section. Our Restaurants and Amusement Listings can also give you the local insight you need!
Whether you want to sign your kids up to learn a new skill, find new leisure, or looking for newest bites, our Tucson Family Guide has you covered.
Our Amusement, Parks & Recreation, and our Classes & Services sections offer a wide variety or experiences unique to Tuscon.
That's the question we started with when we created The Play District. We provide a curated, comprehensive list of Tucson's family-friendly gems so you can explore all Tucson has to offer.